AC-1300 setup issues

First time using my router and I can’t get it working. I set it up at home so I can connect first to my wifi then connect my devices to it. So I’m trying to set it up on a hotel wifi and I log onto the web portal and when I hit the settings icon the screen gets a grey overlay preventing any changes. It’s like when a proceed button comes up and you hit proceed and the overlay disappears and you go on. I’ve tried everything. Even a different iPhone. I’ve made a short video and posted it to YouTube

Any idea what is going on?
Thanks folks

IDK what you’re calling the ‘web portal’ exactly… if it’s the hotel’s Captive Portal or the Admin page of the Slate Plus itself but if the latter I personally just call that the GL GUI.

So are you at a hotel ATM or still at home, in a network environment you control? The GL GUI could use a little tweaking on this regard: do you see a list of any available networks after hitting Connect?

For Captive Portals (eg: hotels, coffee shops) here’s some solid info for 'ya:

When I said web portal I’m talking about the built in interface of the router where you set it up. If you look at my video you see when I select the settings (or anything Else) the screen gets a grey overlay at which time I cannot select anything. I cannot figure out how to make the grey overlay to close. The place we are staying doesn’t have a login page. It’s a standard router with password. Just trying to see if I can get it to work so I have the router connected to the host wifi then my stuff connected to my router…

If you can’t ‘Connect’ via your iPhone or a computer proper, there’s always the iPhone app to try: