Ap setkeys done

i am having wifi issues with glinet mango v2, and this keeps repeating on the kernel log
AP SETKEYS DONE - WPA2, AuthMode(7)=WPA2PSK, WepStatus(6)=AES, GroupWepStatus(6)=AES
[119907.829023] MtAsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1909): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[119907.835764] MtAsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1909): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[123650.800484] AP SETKEYS DONE - WPA2, AuthMode(7)=WPA2PSK, WepStatus(6)=AES, GroupWepStatus(6)=AES

can anyone point me to what this is?

How do you use the router? repeater or just AP?

Except for these logs, does the router has issues to use?

use router as router,
issues when connecting windows 11 , causing mango (tethering iphone ) to loose internet, often but not everytime.

USB tethering or repeater?

If repeater, what is the hotspot setting on your iphone? Did you use “maximise compatibility”?

usb tethering to mango being the only source of internet.

USB tethering should not affect wifi.

But if you used repeater before, the router may have saved ssids and it may trying to detect wifi from time to time. So pls check repeater, remove saved ssids etc.