AR-750S return error as a repeater

Just got my 750S, testing it as a repeater connecting to my house’s wifi. However, was not able to browse facebook. Return an error “ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT”. Please advise.

Will try update to 3.009 and see what happens, currently is 3.007

Is this error message show in webui? Could you take a screenshot for it?

@kyson-lok, I upgraded to 3.010 and seems to have gone away, but another issue comes up, for some reason, when I try to do a google search, this comes up.


I do not have this problem when using my house’s Wifi.

It caused by the AR-750S can’t access the Internet. Could you login to the router’s admin web, and confirm the repeater is successful without IP address conflict.

Yes, it is connected properly and I can access other web site such as this forum. It was just google, FB was not a problem. At the time I was doing this, I have SS client running. I disconnected SS and reconnected SS and the problem has gone away. Must be something happened in the SS connection.

Will do some more test and see what happens.