Automatic update for custom firmware

I have created a custom Firmware for the E750.

Is it possible for the router to automatically install any updates to my custom firmware when I make them available?

I am sorry that I did not understand the above issue.

You compiled the firmware for E750.Do you want to update some plugins based on this firmware?


My bespoke firmware has many modifications to the standard firmware, including startup scripts bespoke software, and the inclusion of default packages.

When I update the bespoke software, setup scripts, etc, I will generate a new firmware update binary.

Is there a means for my bespoke firmware update to be automatically applied when it becomes available?

It’s not an automatic solution but you can add addn’l dirs to your backup tarballs via LuCI. See the Tips section of

Another option would be to just put your customizations into git/GitHub & pull from that after flashing whatever new GL firmware is released. git 2.34.1-1 is in GL’s feeds for OWRT’s 21.02 repos.

Thank you. I will look into this and report back if I succeed :slight_smile:

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