B1300 Mesh --- LAN backhaul?

I can’t find any documentation detailing how the Mesh in the B1300 works. Is there a LAN backhaul option like TP-Link’s mesh setup? Can you multiple gateways with different WAN providers? What’s the max number of nodes?

What version of Mesh does it use underneath, and are the travel routers/MIFI going to get this version built in, eventually?

If these questions have been answered, my apologizes, The new forum doesn’t look like it’s fully organized yet, and the search function didn’t bring anything up for me.

Sorry for lack of docs.

Now you cannot use multiple gateways. Generally you can connect 3 to 5 nodes.

This is using Qualcomm WiFi SON technologies. This may be available in AR300M but not in MiFi.

So do they have to connect over radio only? Or are there LAN backhauls? Is 5 the max number of nodes, I assume that’s with the gateway included? So, one gateway, 4 nodes?

Do you get to pick if the backhaul is 5ghz or 2.4ghz (or LAN) in the gui?

Just confirmed, there are LAN backhuals.

You need to pair with mesh first. You cannot chooise 2.4G or 5G as mesh. We don’t have mesh configuration in the GUI yet.

Can you point me towards more complete instructions for configuring the B1300? The little pamphlet that comes with it only shows instructions for a wireless backhaul with a B1300 as the gateway. I am interested in using an ethernet backhaul with all units connected on a switch, and I would like to know how to do it before buying 3 units.

How may these be setup? Actually how do you tell what any of the slave nodes are doing?
A pointer to any documentation will do, maybe Qualcomm’s?

I have multiple wired ethernet ports strategically placed around the place, including either side of a 4 foot think concrete slab, that wifi signals can’t seem to penetrate.

I’ve tried pairing up 3 routers which seem to work in a mesh (hard to tell), but if I plug the slaves into the wired lan they forget the pairing and set themselves up with the default config, although the pairing light stays light.

@hansome pls send your firmware for a test.

How do you choose between the 2.4 and 5? I had a router server 2.4 and 5 but when I tried to connect to the mesh only the 2.4 was present. Also had to you turn off the mesh in the case that you don’t want it? I had to revert to default and lose all my settings

I am interested in using an ethernet backhaul with all units connected on a switch,

Wait, are you saying that you have ethernet already available at all the locations you want to add a wireless device? If so, you do not need mesh. Mesh is specifically for situations where you don’t have a wired backhaul.

You’re right. I did not fully understand the technology at the time hadn’t learned to configure a multi-access point network.
I did end up using a mesh for one part of the house that I did not want to run ethernet cable to and a wired access point for another.

OT, but I thought the term “mesh” was any managed, multi-node setup regardless of connection method? (i.e., I have a Google WiFi at home yet all three nodes are wired together with the main node doing management, that too is a “mesh”, I thought?)

Ha! I meant a wireless mesh. As this router includes wireless mesh support right in the manual, and made it easy, that was the context in which I was writing.

From Wikipedia, Mesh Network nodes “connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data from/to clients.” Whether your home network qualifies depends on how the “three nodes are wired together”.