Beryl AX High RAM usage

Hi, I have a Beryl AX and it is using a lot of RAM, between 95 and 98%, I am using Samba for file sharing, ADGuard and OpenVPN. I am pretty sure it started to use way more RAM after I set Samba, since with AdGuard and OpenVPN it was only using like 65%.

Now my question is, is it recommended to use Samba, OVPN and AdGuard at the same time? or this is a limitation due to low RAM? I think I will need to disable the OVPN protocol, I want the router to run stable but I don’t think it will rum stable uing 98% of its RAM. I need file sharing to work properly for my work. Thanks for any tip

Take a look at this:

I do not work for and I am not directly associated with GL.iNet


Probably irrelevant but I noticed that each connected Wi-Fi client can take ~2MB of RAM on few AX AP/routers, something to account for unlike AC.