Bricked (?) GL-XE3000


Arrived at my vacation location yesterday evening. Was trying to get my GL-XE3000 to connect to 5g.
It didn’t work. Started googling and found this command:


That didn’t work, then suddenly the device popped up a message that there was an update waiting. (it had internet through wifi repeater)

So I clicked “upgrade”. After waiting a long time the device wasn’t coming back online.
The leds show a certain sequence which they keep doing:
Power (first led) shows green, after a while wifi 2.4 led blinks, right after that both 2,4/5ghz leds show green for a couple of seconds and then everything is off.
It keeps doing that.

So I tried this:

it worked for 1 time, so I could reach the uboot website. I was able to upload the file openwrt-xe3000-4.0-0408release3-0419-1713522028.bin. But then nothing,

So I rebooted it again → same problem back (2.4/5ghz leds lights)

Now im not even able to boot to Uboot anymore. If I try the 2.5ghz led lights up for a couple of seconds and then it shuts off and the sequence (2.4/5ghz leds lights) happen again…

so im stuck… Any idea’s?

ok, I have like a 10 second window to reach the unit. Im now certain it has to do with this command, AT+QCFG=“data_interface”,0,0

so I need to get it back to PCIE.
Checking how to…

what a mess, I can log into the website for like 10 seconds untill the unit auto resets/reboots again…

I have no idea how to revert my command…

In worst case, connect via SSH and execute:
firstboot -y && reboot

This will reset the device to factory default.

thanks, doesn’t work either, well it reboots but it keeps rebooting like before. I think my command messed up the modem e.d.

so I need to revert this command backup


but I have no AT command page anymore in the web interface so I can only do it through SSH, I tried gl_modem AT but that doesn’t work either

gl_modem AT AT+QCFG=“data_interface”,1,0

Well, time for @hansome to solve this mystery :smile:

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if only there was a way to disable the auto reboot (but it could be a panic reboot)…

its so frustrating… first day of the holiday gone… (due to my own stupidity)…

techsupport provided me with a firmware update which solved it!!!

w00t now I can enjoy the rest of my life;)


Hey tech support - maybe you want to share the solution with us? :sweat_smile:

they have send an firmware in which the modem is USB connected. So now I need to revert back to PCI and apply the regular firmware again…

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