Brume 2 as a Tailscale exit node

Thanks @Dwagie!

However I’m a linux/shell noob, so I got somewhat confused by the instructions. But finally I figured it out.

Here are some more detailed instructions for my fellow noobs:

  1. SSH into the Brume 2 by running ssh root@[ip or hostname of Brume] (e.g. ssh root@ if on the same local network with the default subnet). You can also use its tailnet IP or hostname assuming you’ve already connected it to your Tailscale account.
  2. Enter your Brume 2 password and hit enter/return
  3. Edit the gl_tailscale config file (it’s not a folder—this tripped me up, giving me errors such as /usr/bin/gl_tailscale: Not a directory when trying to cd there) by running vim /usr/bin/gl_tailscale
  4. Scroll down line 73 (as of 4.2.1), which currently reads:
                /usr/sbin/tailscale up --reset $param --timeout 3s
  1. Add in --advertise-exit-node after tailscale up. It should now read:
                /usr/sbin/tailscale up --advertise-exit-node --reset $param --timeout 3s
  1. Save and exit by hitting your esc key, and typing :x and hitting your enter/return key
  2. Restart your Brume 2 and verify that it’s available as an exit node.