Change outgoing TTL

I just put a space (return) to separate it from what was. I don’t think anything will get corrupted if you didn’t have the space (return) so you should be good.

Do you tether phone using usb android native hotspot

Did you connect phone later or before which carrier did you use version or T-Mobile

Sorry ok Verizon Sorry I just scanned

I use the S10+ native hotspot and connect the router to that, then other devices to the router at full speed just using the one line swordfish-ii figured out.

I’m gonna check if works

I don’t think the iphone well work, but I’m curious to see if you get it to.

The phone should be usb tethered to the modern for best speed and to keep the phone charged.

Side note If you are really enterprising you can do this:

I was able to get AOSP kernel to work on my daily phone and setup a script to change TTL. I run the script, then turn on my wireless hotspot. Anything tethered to my phone gets full speed. It has been very handy while traveling.

Basically, the steps go like this… sign-in to Slate, connect to your phones hotspot, then proceed through the settings (my previous post) to paste the line…

“iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING 1 -j TTL --ttl-set 65”

…into the “Firewall - Custom Rules” box at the very bottom and all should work with at least a Verizon S10+ Unlimited.

Oh a android script can you give me a Dropbox for it to give android friends

The script is only part of it. You need to get the AOSP kernel working on your phone as that kernel supports IPtables and mangle. The router does this for you here.

Without the kernel it will not work since the normal android kernel doesn’t support mangle (which changes the TTL)

Some phones are supported by AOSP out of the box. I had to do some modification to get it to play nice with my LG v20. (Could never figure out a bug where after using the script/hotspot, making/recieving phone calls results in neither party hearing anything…but a simple reboot solves that and it only happens after full use so i didn’t spend to much time on it)

It partially works since I see high speed then I got my throttled speeds. It’s like a guy into lte room and everybody comes and kicked me back out is there something I can do

That means it is not working.

It is either your phone (likely) or you do not have the correct stuff in your firewall (my quoted command)

If your provider is tmobile apn changes are needed. Also disable ipv6.

Outgoing ipv6 or internal ipv6 what setting do I change in the apn

Disable all ipv6 in the phone and hope there is no carrier firmware that messes with the apn

What apn changes are needed for T-Mobile

Your iphone WILL NOT work as I have said numerous times.

Sounds a bit like toll-fraud to me, and a quick way to get booted from your wireless plan - wearing my ex-telco hat…

The carrier can detect this kind of behavior.

Do so at one’s own risk…

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Depending on how much they inspect the packets your right. However it is not fraud to use the data you pay for.

I would expect though that if the plan were there could be a lawsuit for termination.

FWIW - everything in carrier space goes thru DPI - mostly for Spam and Abuse. The guy that ran the Sandvine platform - used to share with me the blocked sites list, and there, it’s the deepest, darkest hole one never wants to look into…

Anyways - from a carrier perspective, terminating a line of service based on abuse of the terms/conditions of the contract is entirely within their realm, and the contract backs that up.

Phone fraud is the use of telecommunications products or services with the intention of illegally acquiring money from, or failing to pay, a telecommunication company or its customers.

Your paid for service means this does not apply

from a carrier perspective, terminating a line of service based on abuse of the terms/conditions of the contract is entirely within their realm, and the contract backs that up.

“We are terminating your device due to abuse”
What abuse?
“You are tethering”
So? I paid for the data. I give money for data.

Smells like lawsuit to me. Telecos have been sued and lost due to all sorts of shady practices.

Unfair contacts are not enforceable.