Cloud Storage Sync

Hi All,
New to the Forum.
I have recently setup TransmissionRPC on a mounted external drive on my GL-iNet MT300N-V2, it works a treat :wink:
Is it possible to sync the contents of a directory (ie: my completed directory) with an online storage service such as GDrive , OneDrive , etc . This would preferably be a continuous sync, but could also accept a one-off manual sync if it really wasnā€™t very feasible. How would one do this ??
Iā€™ve read about packages like ā€œrcloneā€, but donā€™t imagine there are versions compiled for the router OR would be too difficult / convoluted to get working.

Thanks in Advance.


You can map your cloud server to a file directory in the router, and Transmission can directly treat the mapped directory as a normal sync folder

@ luochongjun : thanks for the reply, how would this be done? is it with Webdav? what about authentication ? ( Iā€™m not familiar with webdav & mounting like this) . does this go into the fstab? what would the steps be?

Thanks in advance


Just my simple idea, depending on whether your cloud supports mapping, a service like Onedrive, typically maps directly to a disk, and then, you can operate on Linux just as you would a normal disk, and you can ask the vendor if there is a client for Linux