Configuring SQM to reduce Bufferbloat

The WebUI on the Beryl is a bit different from my Mango2. I wonder if install package is trying to modify pages that are no longer there or have been changed / re-designed, etc.

can i check with you about this per-host- isolation

is it the same setting for wwan interface and wlan interface? their ingress egress are opposites

from man page tc-cake(8) - Linux manual page

Flows are defined by the 5-tuple, and fairness is applied
first over source addresses, then over individual flows. Good
for use on egress traffic from a LAN to the internet, where it’ll
prevent any one LAN host from monopolising the uplink, regardless
of the number of flows they use.

Flows are defined by the 5-tuple, and fairness is applied
first over destination addresses, then over individual flows.
Good for use on ingress traffic to a LAN from the internet, where
it’ll prevent any one LAN host from monopolising the downlink,
regardless of the number of flows they use.

so yes beware where you apply sqm and advanced options, usually is best to apply cake with per host isolation to wan interface to avoid trouble :wink:

Wondering if someone could explain something to me:

I haven’t logged into my velica for while, finally did and saw Cake was available to choose. So, obviously I chose it.


But, when I run either tc- s qdisc or tc -d qdisc I do not see the word cake - instead I see fq_codel.

Just curious, why this would be - does anyone have any insight?

I’m suprised nobody answered you.
I took this straight from OpenWrt documentation:

piece_of_cake.qos 	 	This just uses the cake qdisc as a replacement for htb as shaper and fq_codel as leaf qdisc. It just does not come any simpler than this, in other words it truely is a “piece of cake”. This script requires that cake is selected as qdisc. See: for more information 

Can we still use this?

Do you have any pics I can follow from?

on the wiki page it’s says ( nat duel-dsthost ) you’ve put nat-duel dsthost ingress which one do I put in? :blush:

Thank you

Try nat dual-dsthost ingress for incoming(ingress)

thanks for releasing firmware 4.3.2 beta 1 to mt300n-v2 (mango)
i flashed it successfully via uboot

I tried to install the luci-app-sqm plugin but returns following error:

Collected errors:

  • pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency kmod-sched-cake for sqm-scripts
  • pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for sqm-scripts found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
  • satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-app-sqm:
  • kmod-sched-cake
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-app-sqm.

other non sqm qos plugin related issues with this firmware for mango:

  • advanced page (luci) is in Chinese
  • no firewall custom rules page (/cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/firewall/custom)

Piece of cake is in there

I have changed from version 3.xx to 4.68 Flint, when configuring SMQ I noticed that many functions do not show any difference. I have a pppoe connection, use Cake and scripts piece_of_cake or Layer_cake.

Already with the interface selection: Whether ‘pppoe-wan’ or ‘eth0’ both work good and no difference in the bufferbloat test, is that how it should be?

when using Layer_cake.qos I have prioritised my PC in the firewall.user file, with speedtest/ping test, the latency jumps higher than if I only use the piece_of_cake. shouldn't this work better with layer and the PC prio ?

now a question about the tcpdump test: tcpdump -i pppoe-wan -v host
with the interface pppoe-wan or eth0 to the host it shows me no connection, only with br-lan, is that correct, or is something wrong ?

I hope someone can tell me something about this so that I can understand the whole thing better, thank you very much.

Great write up! I have this configured (except using cake) on my Spitz AX and it doubled my upload speed (and halved its active latency). Cellular 4G LTE.

Pro-tip: set the download setting to 0, so you're only managing outbound traffic (sent to your ISP). Shaping inbound traffic (from your ISP) is mostly useless. It will result in a worse download speed.

I’m also using the GL-X3000 for Cellular LTE + 5G NSA. Could you please explain why you set the download speed to 0? Isn’t that going to increase latency? Also, which queue discipline and script are you using? (I’m still sticking with Cake and Piece_of_cake; GPT told me it’s good for gaming lol) Thanks in advance!

Setting it to 0 means you’re not doing any QoS on it. It’s like you never installed SQM in the first place. The reason is because the ISP already controls how fast the packets arrive to your modem, so trying to control it in your end is mostly useless. The best you can do is drop packets. Which means, if there is congestion on the ISP’s end, they will control the traffic already and limit you.