After doing considerable research on why the wifi speeds are so slow on the MT6000 Flint 2.
I found that downgrading to an older firmware has resolved the issue for users.
I have a few questions
When I downgrade the firmware will all my luci VLAN configurations and wifi networks be lost?
What does the "keep all settings" toggle do? Is it just the settings on the admin page toggle or does this revert all settings both in admin panel and LuCi?
1 - no, if you select the "keep all settings" button like you said.
2- "keep all settings" just keep all the custom setting you have, like wifi networks, firewall settings, VPN information, etc. Of reverts all you have in Luci. You can also download a configuration backup from Luci.
I also downgraded to 4.6.2 to fiz the speed issues
Thank you @raphamotta was there anything extra you did you get the speeds working after the downgrade like a reboot? I downgraded yesterday and the speeds did not improve...