Drop-in Gateway

it serves to maintain the main router as a connection but the port forwarding function of DVR devices must be passed and configured on the GL.net to work from the outside?

Does glinet’s router work in drop-in gateway mode? Port forwarding needs to be configured only on the primary router.

other option and do a DMZ on the main router to the flint?
and how to do the drop in gateway?

Sorry, maybe I didn’t understand your usage scenario.
I mentioned in my previous reply that port forwarding used by DVR devices does not need to be set in drop-in gateway.
Can you describe your problem in detail?

on my main router there are DVRs configured with the relative port forwarding and I have access from the outside, with the drop in gateway option I can access from the outside anyway

Can you describe your problem? Sorry, I really don’t understand your question.

I have to switch to this configuration but I don’t know if everything works as before

I installed the 4.2 beta firmware to try the drop in gateway but the port forwarding services linked to the main router stop working

Can you share your port forwarding Settings?

all lan and wireless devices take the ip of the gl-net and not of the main router

I could put the definitive gl-net in place of the old router but I have to set if possible setting to n.3 wan but it can be done from the Interfaces - LuCI page

I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand your problem.

Does glinet’s router work in drop-in gateway mode? Port forwarding needs to be configured only on the primary router.

Drop-in Gateway
router primary:
gateway- (ip gtlnet)

router glnet drop in gateway active
the devices take the glnet ip port forwarding must be done on the glnet right?
despite doing it from outside I can’t log in
