Dual Vpn Client how to enable on Same Router

So I have a Offsite server on a master router, (to maintain name server compatibility) and I have a glinet router on lan too. on Different subnet (LAN) but the same subnet for internet.

And I vpn into the offsite location to have a permanent location for offsite backups for work.

So I must have the Wireguard VPN on my router as a Client as on the other side The target NAS is not on the VPN router its on the main router.

so for this reason I cannot have a open VPN connection

but Ive seen This

but I cant recreate it.

my vpn is letters and numbers ending in .com



and the user interface rejects this adress but this is my server adress

any help would be great.

This isn’t your server address. Pretty sure. It might be a mixture of user, password and server - but it’s not the server address, whether for OpenVPN nor Wireguard.

They might use some special protocol which is not supported by an GL iNET router.
And if your provider is “DuckVPN.com” - I would highly recommend changing it. The whole website looks terrifying.

your a legend found it ,

now i have several devices that i need on open vpn,

and i need wireguard going to one place constantly.

but when I choose the opetion for Customize routing rules

I loose the ability to choose devices to pass to the vpn?


Please consider a graphical representation of what your are trying to do:

I wouldnt even know how to draw it

I want both vpns to act normally

at the same time

Won’t work without additional knowledge, changes in the system and knowing what you are doing.

weireguard works.

but when i use custom rules I cant choose what is used by vpn

so my options to choose

Iphone > OPEN VPN


so itw how do i utilise routes to achieve this?