Dude with shared folder

Hi everyone, recently i bought Flint2 and its working ok, but i have a problem, ( i dont know how do my idea..)

My local red is , the router has

I have a decodificator based in linux and the ip es, in this deco i have a shared folder with movies, series etc.

From my pc i can access writing // and i can upload from my pc ( )

My idea is from wan with wireguard access to my red local to access to folder with movies,series etc ...

I have install wireguard server and create client and its working ok.

Is possible my idea?


That is exactly how it would work, yes.
See WireGuard Server - GL.iNet Router Docs 4

Yes, i have the wireguard server and client and its working perfect, but i dont know how access to "NAS" to see Videos, Series etc..

Thanks for reply :slight_smile:

If your WireGuard config already included AllowedIPs = it should work just by accessing it as it would be without VPN.

Enable "Remote Access LAN" on the Wireguard client

Go to VPN > VPN Dashboard > scroll down to VPN server and find the Wireguard client. Click the 3 dots, options and toggle "Remote Access LAN"

That will give you access to LAN devices when connected via wireguard.

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I have , its OK...
But i cant access to "Multimedia from deco"

Thanks to help me

its activated

Your answer might be here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WireGuard/comments/138e885/accessing_my_smb_from_outside_my_router/

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mmm, thanks, i will try :slight_smile:

Make sure there is no firewall on your system you are trying to access.
Windows, for example, disallows SMB serving to unknown networks - so you would need to adjust it.

This is exactly what the reddit link I posted discusses.

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