Feature Request : BanIP

I’ll take your word for it. AdGuard is bloat. :wink:

I've been using BanIP for some time. It's great. Sadly the gl-inet repository is very out of date. I've had a hard time updating banip to for the luci-app-banip package.

Please can the luci repository be updated for this great app.

Indeed, I just bought the GL-MT3000 but now sad to see that it is running very old OpenWrt 21.02 and that the plugin BanIP does not work straight form the plugin screen.

Can we please get this fixed?

Try the op24 firmware GL.iNet download center

1 Like

Nice! TY

wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/24.10.0/packages/aarch64_cortex-a53/packages/banip_1.5.0-r6_all.ipk

wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/24.10.0/packages/aarch64_cortex-a53/luci/luci-app-banip_25.037.68331~42f464c_all.ipk

opkg install banip_1.5.0-r6_all.ipk

opkg install luci-app-banip_25.037.68331~42f464c_all.ipk

Enable banIP

uci set banip.global.ban_enabled="1"
uci commit banip
service banip restart

Added example.com to vi /etc/banip/banip.blocklist

root@GL-MT3000:~# service banip status
::: banIP runtime information

  • status : active (nft: :heavy_check_mark:, monitor: ✘)
  • version : 1.5.0-r6
  • element_count : 1
  • active_feeds : allowlist.v4MAC, allowlist.v6MAC, allowlist.v4, allowlist.v6, blocklist.v4MAC, blocklist.v6MAC, blocklist.v4, blocklist.v6
  • active_devices : wan: eth0 / wan-if: wan, - / vlan-allow: - / vlan-block: -
  • active_uplink :
  • nft_info : ver: 1.1.1-r1, priority: -100, policy: memory, loglevel: warn, expiry: -, limit (icmp/syn/udp): 10/10/100
  • run_info : base: /tmp, backup: /tmp/banIP-backup, report: /tmp/banIP-report, error: /tmp/banIP-error
  • run_flags : auto: :heavy_check_mark:, proto (4/6): :heavy_check_mark:/✘, log (pre/in/out): ✘/✘/✘, count: ✘, dedup: :heavy_check_mark:, split: ✘, custom feed: ✘, allowed only: ✘
  • last_run : mode: restart, period: 0m 1s, memory: 186 MB available, 1536 KB max. used, cores: 2, log: logread, fetch: curl
  • system_info : 2025-02-09 09:35:22, GL.iNet GL-MT3000, mediatek/filogic, OpenWrt 24.0 r28161-ea17e958b9

example.com blocked, it's working.

And hello banIP at /cgi-bin/luci/admin/services/banip :slight_smile: