Flashing Quectel on X3000 Spitz AX?

I successfully flashed the modem. Yet, I do not see any improvemnts. In fact the ping latency has increased by 3 seconds.

I would advise everyone to REFRAIN from updating to RM520NGLAAR01A07M4G at the moment !

Thanks all for the support.

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Use the following commands:



The software at gl should remove it from the Export Debug section since they are not supported. Then they should replace it with their equivalent.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

What’s your firmware version?

  • In the latest version, this band - dependent AT directive has been removed.

Current Firmware

  • Version: 4.0
  • Firmware Typer: elease10300
  • Compile Time: 2023-04-15 14:39:39(UTC+08:00)


I am experiencing some stability issue after flashing the modem yesterday despite the fact that I followed the exact steps and files you provided in this post.

Although I got a message at the end of the flashing logs that said that the modem has been successfully flashed, I noticed while reviewing the logs that there were few errors:

[006.153]: gl-sdk4-modem-git-2023.104.26958-b709b07/quec_UPGRADE/qfirehose.c detect_and_judge_module_version 150 fail

[009.377]: inf[0] ep_in -1/1024, errno = 110 (Operation timed out), timeout=1000

[009.377]: qusb_noblock_read read=0, errno: 110 (Operation timed out)

[009.377]: gl-sdk4-modem-git-2023.104.26958-b709b07/quec_UPGRADE/firehose_protocol.c fh_recv_cmd 326 fail

[036.323]: inf[0] ep_in -1/1024, errno = 71 (Protocol error)

[036.323]: qusb_noblock_read read=-1, errno: 71 (Protocol error)

[036.323]: gl-sdk4-modem-git-2023.104.26958-b709b07/quec_UPGRADE/firehose_protocol.c fh_recv_cmd 326 fail

Could please examine them ?

Is there complete information?

What do you mean? You want to the complete logs ? Please note the lines I listed above are the only ones in the log that contain errors - the Quectel chip was flashed nonetheless.

YES, I need complete log.

I tested the upgrade process locally. But I didn’t find the other error message.

  • Only a message appears: ’ detect_and_judge_module_version 150 fail’. But this doesn’t affect the upgrade.


I will send it to you. But, can you please list the steps including the commands and the file you used ?


I sent it to your email.

Please reproduce the same error and let me know if I can cleanly and error-free re-flashing my modem.

Hi SpitzAX3000:

I checked these error timeout information with Quectel:

When the module is upgraded, some operations that the Cellular to switch ports will trigger this prompt.But It does not affect Cellular upgrades.


Thanks a lot for your support!

Hello GL Engineers,

Can you please share the latest modem firmware: RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G? According to Quectel forum, the aforementioned firmware version has been released.


Please download newest firmware use this link: https://glinet-hoff-temp-file.oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.200.01.200.zip

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I have seen a lot of back and forth in the process to upgrade the FW, @SpitzAX3000 please could you share the detailed steps to perform the upgrade, I would like to do it, thank you

@Hoff Will this new Modem FW will be included and installed in the upcoming Spitz X-3000 FW update?

Sure. But let me ask you:

  • Do you use Linux or Windows as your main OS?

  • Have you logged in to the device using SSH?

My main device is macOS, but I do have Debian and Windows as well, I am familiar with Linux

I have SSH into the Spitz multiple times

Thank you

  1. Upload the firmware to the router
  2. Unzip it to a folder, e.g. RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G
  3. Use the included command to update firmware of modem
QFirehose -f RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G