Flint GL-AX1800 - 2 problems + upgrade on version 4.2.0 snapshot impossible


I found a fairly simple transition to version 4.0 beta: Dropbox - openwrt-ipq807x-glinet_ax1800-4.0_beta8.img - Simplify your life according to the instructions https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=E8E5CUbK2Qo

Couldn’t I then normally upgrade from that 4.0 beta to 4.1 or 4.2? /no uboot/



I ended up having to do it based on a video I found.
First 4.0 beta, and then I was able to upgrade to 4.1.0

BUT !!!
Wireguard server does not work in this version either.

I am very disappointed with this product.

You went off scripted so I can’t help you anymore. I gave you a specific way to do it. If you set up a raspberry Pi you should be able to update uboot and the GL.iNet firmware.

Good luck

Check the vpn proxy settings in vpn dashboard if your wgclients are actually connected to may not be allowed to leave the LAN and use the WAN

If you look at the uboot thread Uboot needs to be updated to avoid issues going forword in firmware

Can someone advise on the DNS issue explained above, or should I open a separate thread?

Hi K3rn3l_Ku5h , thanks for your time.

uboot2.0 version:22.07.10

To clarify - this morning I did the whole process again - uboot upgrade to uboot-gl-ax1800-20220711-md5-9890c67c3dafa5aec172f3a31583f9a7.bin
Then upgrade to openwrt-ax1800-4.2.0-0121-1674260559.tar

Still is here problem with WireGuard

  1. I turn on the WG server
  2. I will add a profile
  3. I scan the QR configuration
  4. the client does not connect, the connection does not work

Where and what do I need to set?
In Luci? Because there is no other option in the Admin panel.
And when in Luci - what should I change there?
Something with routing? Because I’m not good at it.
Where can I find instructions for standard WG operation?

In Luci:



firewall rules

Here I tried wgserver_allow from wan to lan - same result.

P.S: Resolution: Need open specific port on Firewall - Open ports on router. In my case 51820. I am an idiot.

Thank you all for your efforts and help.

I was about ask if you had opened ports

Isnt this done automatically when you enable WG server? I have tested with SlateAX and Flint on 4.1 and it works without having to open the ports on the FW.

It depends on how you have the Global proxy setup. Is your set to auto detect?

My fault.

I was primarily setting up firewall forward - to try wg on raspberry.
This worked for me even without an open port on the router. I didn’t realize they were two separate things.
My apologies and thanks again for your time. Everything good.

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