Flint Sync button to Wireguard.Client toogle on/off

Hello there!

Any suggestion on how to reprogramm the sync button on Flint router to turn on/off wireguard client?

What firmware are you using? 3.214 or 4.x

Oh great, thanks for such a quick response .
Its 4.2.0 beta 2 currently

The file you should modify is


Now it print some log if you press the button

Fri Jan 20 09:13:24 2023 user.notice gl-switch: switch released
Fri Jan 20 09:13:24 2023 user.notice gl-switch: no config
Fri Jan 20 09:13:24 2023 user.notice gl-switch: switch pressed
Fri Jan 20 09:13:24 2023 user.notice gl-switch: no config

You are supposed to config in cat /etc/config/switch-button but you can modify the above script directly.

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Okay, thanks
One more question

In the folder /etc/gl-switch.d i can see some scripts like adguardhome.sh , openvpn.sh , tor.sh , wireguard.sh (!) which seem to be designed for triggering certain events when the button is pressed.
However i am not so good at bash so the contents is not completely clear for me.



if [ “$action” = “on” ];then
result=curl -s -k -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"call\",\"params\":[\"\",\"wg-client\",\"get_status\",{}],\"id\":1}" | jsonfilter -e @.result
status=echo $result | jsonfilter -e @.status
group_id=echo $result | jsonfilter -e @.group_id
peer_id=echo $result | jsonfilter -e @.peer_id
if [ “$status” = “0” -a -n “$group_id” -a “$group_id” != “0” -a -n “$peer_id” -a “$peer_id” != “0” ];then
curl -s -k -d “{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","wg-client","start",{"group_id":$group_id,"peer_id":$peer_id}],"id":1}”

if [ “$action” = “off” ];then
curl -s -k -d “{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"call","params":["","wg-client","stop",{}],"id":1}”

sleep 5

It is for the switch button which is only available in some models.