Getting internet over Wireguard connection

Hello, I’ve been trying to setup a Wireguard server on my Convexa B1300 running 4.3.7 firmware. The client is my iphone running ios 17.1.1 . When the connection is active I can connect to the web gui at just fine but my phone has no internet. The configuration file is default:

Address =

PrivateKey = someprivatekey
MTU = 1420

AllowedIPs =,::/0
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
PublicKey = somepublickey

Any idea how can I debug it or any fixes I can apply? Thank you.

Did you connected your iphone to B1300? If so, you should enable forwarding from wireguard to lan with commands below, which can refer to No internet access via Brume2 - #15 by glineter.

# enable wireguard server to LAN forwarding
uci set firewall.wgserver2lan=forwarding
uci set firewall.wgserver2lan.src='wgserver'
uci set firewall.wgserver2lan.dest='lan'
uci set firewall.wgserver2lan.enabled='1'

# set LAN masquerading
uci set firewall.@zone[0].masq='1'
uci set firewall.@zone[0].masq6='1'
uci commit firewall
/etc/init.d/firewall reload

In this case the iphone is connected to mobile data. I want to be able to access my network outside the home.

If you want to access from outside home, these commands are not needed.

Oh, I see, any other ideas what can be wrong?

Your iphone can not access internet while connecting to wireguard server from outside? Can your iphone ping/resolved ddns of wireguard server(

What else do you set up on the B1300?

Do you have vpn client, adguard home etc.?

Your iphone can not access internet while connecting to wireguard server from outside? Can your iphone ping/resolved ddns of wireguard server(

Yes, there is no internet. Tried to ping when I was connected to the wireguard server and I get “Can’t resolve host”. Pinging “” works ok.

What else do you set up on the B1300?

Do you have vpn client, adguard home etc.?

I would say is a pretty default setup. I don’t use vpn clients and I don’t have adguard home but I do have the adblock service. Extra I have Encrypted DNS over TLS with Cloudflare, no IPv6, IGMP snooping is off. multiwan with a usb modem as fallback.

This may be a problem. If the ddns is resolved to modem public IP, you will not be able to connect wireguard.

I’d suggest that you send us an email for support. We may need a real wireguard to test. We can do remote check if possible.