GL-AR300M as a USB HID Device

Looking to see if it’s possible to re-program a GL-AR300M to function as a USB HID device. On the OpenWRT website - [OpenWrt Wiki] USB Guest configuration - it seems like this is theoretically possible but that the g_hid - Human Interface Device (HID) Gadget kernel mode is not available in LEDE.

Anyone tried going down this route? I’m looking for a way to use a GL-AR300M to send signals from a web service to a connected iOS device such that it thinks the GL-AR300M is a USB mouse. I know this is possible with something like a Raspberry Pi Zero W or similar device, but seeing that I have a couple of these routers, figured it was worth seeing if it’s possible.

why LEDE? this is available for current stalble oppenwrt [OpenWrt Wiki] package: kmod-usb-gadget-hid

since you are talking about ar300m, you can install pure/vanilla openwrt 19.07.2, and dual boot also if you really need gl.inet firmware.

cloud not be the answer you was looking for, but could be a step forward. i also suggest you to post this on openwrt forum you will get more support once you use pure/vanilla openwrt


Thanks. It’s been awhile since I messed with the device, so I wasn’t up to speed on where to search to get started.