For anyone who is interested in a solution for breathing led on vpn and a solid one when on normal wan. Just made a clean but dirty solution that works for me.
Please be aware that I probably broke a lot of things I’m apparantly not using, but it works for me.
For the ones that are feeling comfortable deeper into the system, It will not break mwan3, as I altered this for my needs and I use it extensively.
I deleted the content of the file /usr/bin/mt1300_led_deamon (or you rename the original for backup)
past the content below to the file and save it as /usr/bin/mt1300_led_deamon
ip="" # use any dns you want
mt1300_led off
mt1300_led blue_breath daemon
while true; do
status=$(ping -q -c "$count" -W "$timeout" "$ip" > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "ok" || echo "fail")
if [ "$status" = "ok" ]; then
if [ -d /sys/class/net/tun* ]; then
mt1300_led white_breath daemon
mt1300_led white daemon
mt1300_led blue_breath daemon
sleep 10
Then restart the daemon with;
/etc/init.d/led restart
You can use any dns you want offcourse, default used by most is the dns from google, but I don’t us any Google or Facebook application or services. So I ban them from all my systems.
"FYI there are a lot of and in the firmware from Gl.Inet. This should be a choise not hardcoded. Just my 50 cents."
For I forget, make the file executable if you upload a new file instead of editing the original one.
chmod u+x filename