GL-MT2500 and GL-MT2500A bricked after update to 4.5.0

Error /dev/mmcblk0

Does not matter what and how I will do.

But. OpenWRT is working. You messed on production with class like never before.

Any solution how to fix it. Fix not send anywhere. Because this post is to find solutions for people which bought device for VPN purpose. They can not just buy ticked and fly few 1000 km to fix device after GL-Inet push miracle update.

Booting and updating uboot via website

Thanks for the update, shame that it errors out.

It's infeasible for me to do the UART at this time anyway, i don't even have the screwdriver to pop the case off.

Raspi 4 is giving me better speeds. I hope GL.inet is more careful with their updates in the future. When things work, it's a good product.