How to see Real Mac addresses under "clients" connected to router?

Because they live in an oppressive country and OP might fear that unauthorized devices and unknown “neighbors” could be government officials trying to locate and arrest people who are trying to be less oppressed? Why the attitude on this @Almahadeus?

Don’t really know. I just find the way the OP phrased their question to be a bit too James Bondy and sounds somewhat fishy! Playing the devil’s advocate as I have said. Also any person with a mobile phone and a WiFi analyzer can very easily locate where any SSID is broadcasting from and so the OP will be bust in seconds if someone would want to catch them. Does not really make any sense.

It is easier to just take OP’s word for it, though, right? Does it hurt you any to do that? There is a difference between taking a calculated risk and being completely reckless with your freedom and/or life.

What you say is true, they can find access points and see where they are. But they may have more difficulty actually finding out what they are doing. Providing WiFi is not illegal to the best of my knowledge in Iran, but bypassing government controls and censors probably is. It will likely be a little more difficult to accidentally discover exactly what people are doing on the WiFi if they don’t have access to the WiFi network.

Keep fighting the good fight @GreenCat.

I totaly get what you are saying and admire your spirited support for a noble cause. Not sure why the OP is not responding here. If I open up my network to others and then A device (let’s say an HP laptop, for example) suddenly connects to my network, what will that piece of info let me do or what will it help me with? How will it add to my knowledge whether this device (HP laptop in this example) is a friend or foe? The only advantage that I can see is that it will be evidence that can be held against the owner that they have been trying to circumvent government censorship (i.e. entrapment). I would love to understand how knowing the MAC address and type of device can otherwise help the OP with their endeavour.

From my perspective, I just don’t care about those details. I don’t view that as my judgement call to make. OP is not in my timezone I would guess and access to the internet may not be easy. But who knows? Maybe OP will come back and let us know so we can try to help them more. If not, so be it. I am not trying to be an a** at all, I just don’t think OP really owes me any explanation.

It is said that the devil is in the details. Sleep well.

Maybe this thread would provide you a little more comfort?

All in all security by MAC is as useless as security by IP. And speaking of an open Wi-Fi it’s not even worth a thought.

Not really as @bring.fringe18 has completely disappeared since then. May be the Ayottollahs have got him?!?!

I would not say it is worthless, it is a piece of the puzzle, but should definitely not be relied on solely. It is still useful for casual observers/scanning, but it will not stand up to an active attacker.

Assume you meant @GreenCat?

@Almahadeus Please remind me again how any of what you are saying is really helping here? Or how others trying to help @GreenCat is hurting you?

When have I said that I am trying to help and more importantly when did I say that I am hurting? I have just been questioning the OP’s usercase and their plans until you butted in for some odd reason. Are you also a spy of some sort or are you just a troll?

I am just trying to figure out why you are bothering posting at all honestly. Isn’t easier just not to post? What are your motives for posting? How is that helping the forum?

It just feels to me like you would walk into an AA meeting and then start challenging folks “but are you really an alcoholic?”. It is just unnecessary imo.

And it feels to me that you are a mere troll and so to be totally ignored from now on.

Go for it. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.

Could you please stop fighting here and continue in PM if necessary?
The only one who is allowed to fight people here is the fighting seal!

Thanks! :slight_smile:


All good, I am done here unless OP comes back with another request.