MIFI does not work when enabling VPN

Everything is fine until I enable the VPN. Then the VPN connects, and shows data up and down in the router. But I cant visit anything on the internet. This is using blackvpn.

I have an asus 4g lte router and use blackvpn on that and no issues whatsoever at home. But this mifi doesnt work.


Problem 2. The microrouter I purchased also doesnt work. It doesnt read the usb modem. I have reset it several times, and nothing works. The USB modem works fine when plugged into computer directly.

vpn - have you managed to set the firewall ?

what is the output of ifconfig ? do you have a vpn interface? (tun0?)

what is the output of route -n command??

usb modem , do you mean umts/lte stick , or old usb adsl modem?

what is the usb id of the modem ? (you can see it with the command lsusb, after install usb-utils package, or if your computer have linux directly on it with lsusb command)