The stability of the router in repeater mode continued to deteriorate today. It’s been a downward spiral over the week, haha. By this evening it was losing Internet connection every 30 minutes or so, and over this time it was taking longer and longer to reconnect, constactly retrying before connecting. Meanwhile, I had another device directly connected to the same Wifi I was repeating and there were no issues all day.
I also tried Tethering today and that gave me a bunch of “The interface is connected, but the Internet can’t be accessed with IPv4 protocol.” Eventually I got it connected but even that dropped out within 30 minutes.
I have two log files from today while in Repeater mode, as well as a log file from when I was Tethered and it failed. Let me know if you want those and where to send them? Hopefully they help as v4 looked great and had some nice features. Unfortunately I had to roll back to v3, and Beryl is back to fully stable, no connectivity issues.
Hi! Unfortunately I reverted to v3 so I can no longer test this. Very sorry! I’m currently travelling and it’s my only routers so I needed it to be more stable again.
This depends on how many iterations we have to finish the bug fix.
Release Candidates will use “release X”,such as release 1, release 2. They are not expected to have many bugs
If the version use “beta X”, it is expected that there are many bugs to be fixed in that version.
BUG Report
Beta 3 installed and then left unpowered for about a week. Plugged in and I get all white login page and could not log in. Ubooted to Stable 3.215 everything seemed to work so upgraded to 4.1.0. Set password and connected repeater and activated goodcloud. Tried to log into LuCI and got invalid password. I am putting the correct password in. Went to admin password and tried to change it would not accept logged out and tried to log it and got invalid password.
My 4.1 Beta 3 experience on Beryl has gone well so far.
I was having terrible problems with periodic WiFi drops using the Beryl 3.125 firmware.
The WiFi drops started with only the LAN-side WiFi, so I used Ethernet to my laptop instead, which worked for a while. Then I started seeing the WWAN side (using repeater mode) dropping for a few seconds every minute or two. Completely unusable for work Teams calls.
The WiFi drops seemed to be related to the “auto scan” setting, as documented in other Beryl threads on this forum. I could disable the auto-scan option and reboot, after which things were fine for several hours. But always at some point the router would start the periodic scan again, even with scanning turned off.
So out of desperation I decided to give 4.1 Beta 3 a try, making sure to reset all of the settings when applying the Beta 3 update (from the 3.125 LuCI interface).
So far I’ve been very happy with Beta 3. WWAN and WLAN connections have been stable.
Note that I’m not doing anything complicated with the router. Not using VPN, QOS, or anything like that. Just a simple repeater to isolate my laptop and some Ethernet-connected devices from the condo WiFi that I’m using while remote working on the road.
And I love that LuCI is made available on the Beryl. I run OpenWRT on my home router/firewall so it’s a familiar interface. Also being able to SSH into the Beryl is wonderful.
I tried updating 5 or 6 times both via upgrade and uboot but it’s not finishing booting after restart. The LED is solid blue light and no network interface is up
The router started once after upgrade in a very broken UI (missing labels, many sections won’t open). Only once it started normally in 4.1 UI and I completed minimal setup and tests but the UI fell apart after I enabled IPV6 and the router didn’t start after reboot again staying on solid blue light and no network interfaces available
It feels as if the router hangs on boot most of the time. I can’t even look at any logs because can’t access the router
Hi I am trying to upgrade to 4.1.2 via the UBOOT process, I am able to upload and start the upgrade process, the LED on the MT1300 flashed for about 20 seconds and then turned off without any other signs, I waited for more than 20 minutes and still no light turns back on. How long should the firmw…
The GL-MT1300 Beryl is not on Firmware 4.1.2, You are flashing the wrong firmware for your device. Firmware upgrades should take no longer then 5 minutes
GL-MT1300 Beryl is different from GL-MT3000
Beryl AX. You may have bricked your router.
I do not work for and I am not directly associated with GL.iNet