Thank you again! Can you please help me how to ssh the router and reset the wifi?
Do you have remote access to the admin panel or terminal?
When you enable cloud you do have an option to enable this.
Unfortunately I can’t ssh to the router. I know it’s IP, but the ssh times out.
Not directly ssh.
Pls check this docs GoodCloud - GL.iNet Docs
Thank you for the hint. Unfortunately I don’t get ssh access. Probably I didn’t enable it for security reasons. I need to wait until I‘m able to physically reset the router.
Did you upload the firmware thru WebUI or Uboot ? my router is currently running 4.1.0 release 2 and I assume that might be under beta 3 but when trying to update to beta 3 I get " The firmware is inapplicable for the device."
I have received my router just yesterday so it might be so that I have missed some communication as I didn’t do any digging in the forum until I had it in my hands.
Seems your router already has 4.1. What model do you have?
It seems that you are loading a snapshot from September. 4.1.0 beta 3 was made in november.
I think you are a loading a deprecated firmware which is why it won’t verify.
I do not work for and I am not directly associated with GL.iNet
Good pointer I have a different model than the one in this thread. Too long the model number so I have mixed it :))))
Any ETA for the final version?
Tested beta 3. Device would lose wireless connection when searching for networks to connect as a repeater. Like the wireless was being reset during the search. Rolled back to 3.216 and it’s fine.
I also tested Beta 3 via a fresh U Boot installation.
I also set up my sd card sucessfully this way:
Filesystem | Mount Point | Available | Used | Unmount |
/dev/root | /rom | 0 B / 17.25 MiB | 100.00% (17.25 MiB) | - |
tmpfs | /tmp | 121.48 MiB / 122.07 MiB | 0.48% (600.00 KiB) | - |
/dev/mmcblk0p1 | /overlay | 221.54 GiB / 233.47 GiB | 0.00% (584.00 KiB) | - |
|overlayfs:/overlay|/|221.54 GiB / 233.47 GiB|0.00% (584.00 KiB)|-|
|tmpfs|/dev|512.00 KiB / 512.00 KiB|0.00% (0 B)|-|
|/dev/mmcblk0p1|/tmp/mountd/disk1_part1|221.54 GiB / 233.47 GiB|0.00% (584.00 KiB)|
However, when I install AdGuard Home via the PlugIns Menu, it does finally not show up in the Applications Menue and also gives many errors in the Log.
Therfore my question - should AdGuard Home already running from the scratch in Beta 3?
Enclosed log:
Tue Jan 3 12:32:04 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[4223]: 2023/01/03 11:32:04.264092 [info] AdGuard Home, version v0.107.18
Tue Jan 3 12:32:04 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[4223]: 2023/01/03 11:32:04.264779 [info] AdGuard Home updates are disabled
Tue Jan 3 12:32:04 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[4223]: 2023/01/03 11:32:04.314712 [info] tls: using default ciphers
Tue Jan 3 12:32:04 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[4223]: 2023/01/03 11:32:04.317518 [fatal] initing hosts container: hosts container: path at index 0: stat etc/hosts: os: DirFS with empty root
The log after restarting adguardhome:
Tue Jan 3 12:35:48 2023 : luci: accepted login on / for root from
Tue Jan 3 12:36:14 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[13949]: 2023/01/03 11:36:14.894545 [info] AdGuard Home, version v0.107.18
Tue Jan 3 12:36:14 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[13949]: 2023/01/03 11:36:14.896349 [info] AdGuard Home updates are disabled
Tue Jan 3 12:36:14 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[13949]: 2023/01/03 11:36:14.931231 [info] tls: using default ciphers
Tue Jan 3 12:36:14 2023 daemon.err AdGuardHome[13949]: 2023/01/03 11:36:14.933489 [fatal] initing hosts container: hosts container: path at index 0: stat etc/hosts: os: DirFS with empty root
@alzhao Do you have any idea when 4.2 beta will be made available to MT1300 Beryl ? I absolutely need the zerotier addon.
Given that the MT1300 has 32mb of storage and the 4.2 firmware packages are 50+mb, my guess on this is “never”.
There is already 4.x firmware for MT1300 so 4.2 is just sooner or later.
The firmware is big because of adguard home etc which will not be included for firmware of MT1300
It’s not just Adguard. The stock Tailscale compile on mips is close to 20mb, IIRC. I haven’t checked the zerotier package size, but I can’t guess it’s less than a few mb. 32mb just isn’t a lot of space to work with, unfortunately.
Adguard, zero, tailscale etc will not be included in the firmware for MT1300.
So for the purposes of @blalonge (who “absolutely needs zerotier”) 4.2 won’t matter.
You are right. He need zerotier.
Maybe use a TF card to expende the storage.
So is there a final release of the 4.x firmware? I went to upgrade my device today and the download center lists 4.x as stable but when I installed the upgrade my device lists it as beta three.
Download center says:
Date Compiled: 2022-11-06 20:37:08 (UTC-07:00)
SHA256: 80c6f9c28bffd213cbe7c7a55814ab0cfd4c969babc119824eb09cde0f720749