MT300a Tor firmware: installing kmod packages


I am trying to install “ipset” package on the latest MT300a Tor firmware from September 2016, but it requires dependency of “kmod-ipt-core”, and it gives me a Kernel Mismatch error:

Multiple packages (kmod-ipt-core and kmod-ipt-core) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
Collected errors:

  • satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for ipset:
  • kernel (= 3.18.20-1-e09c71ad1d28ff0d0cde064da5349910) *     kernel (= 3.18.20-1-e09c71ad1d28ff0d0cde064da5349910) *

This error also happens even when I try to install kmod-ipt-core from the gl-inet repository (which is for kernel 3.18.27 - same as the firmware kernel). it works perfectly on the standard firmware. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get this kmod package installed? I tried installing it with ignore dependency on, it installed but then didn’t work.
