Need help enabling file sharing after update firmware

hi newbie here, after updating my MT300N V2 to 3.203
the file sharing shows:
The router is refreshing the software repository. Please wait a while.
File Sharing ERROR: Not installed yet!

and clicking the install button doesn’t do anything.
(its been a few hours now and it still says “The router is refreshing the software repository”)

is there a list of packages I can manually install from the plug-ins menu to enable the file sharing?

Sorry. 3.203 for MT300N-V2 has some bugs and draw back. Will fix and release asap.

Any time frame for the update to resolve the issue. Luci page indicates “The router is refreshing the software repository. Please wait a while”. "Luci ERROR: Not installed yet!

Thanks for any updates.

I think the beta5 fixed it GL.iNet download center