Online update on GL-MT6000 installed OpenWRT 21.02

I’ve just updated my GL-MT6000 router to firmware version 4.5.7 using the Online Update after being notified by GL-iNet App, which unexpectedly resulted in a downgrade of OpenWRT to version 21.02. Additionally, numerous configurations were reset during this process.

What steps should I take to address this issue? I received a notification from the router to upgrade the firmware, and I complied. Was this version not intended to be the final release?

You did already everything you needed to address this issue.

Currently, the only way to avoid something like this is by checking the firmware file before applying. Auto-upgrade (or 1-click-upgrade) might result in those issues because they are still troubles with the Flint2 firmware at all.

I’ve made a Local Upgrade (downgrade) to v4.5.6 and I got back OpenWRT 23.05, but I lost all my configurations (I have a backup). It was like a factory reset.

I bought by router only 1 week ago and the first firmware update went just fine.
I will wait some days and search here in the forum for any issues before make new upgrades.

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Good plan for now. After my experiences with a certain wireless company and their problematic firmware releases I often take a wait and see approach these days.

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Hello, as Openwrt23.05 caused unstable WIFI for MT6000, we have adopted Openwrt21.02 in version 4.5.7.