OpenMPTCPRouter based on OpenWRT

This project works quite well on Raspberry Pi and other hardware, but I can’t quite figure out WHY Gl.iNet has not gobbled up and started contributing to the project on github - GitHub - Ysurac/openmptcprouter: OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt -

It requires a fair bit of setup, but an image for some of the higher end devices would be awesome. At the moment, there are none, and I’m eager to get one built, as the Raspberry Pi takes a much bigger footprint and requires a bunch of usb interfaces to get all the ethernet devices bonded.

This is different than fail over, or round robin. It’s actual BONDED internet connection with at least 2 or greater connections - to a VPS of your choice, then going out from that VPS to the world.

I was able to get over a 100Mb link at one point using several LTE 4G connections, a Fiber Connection, and another neighbors wireless connection all bonded into one fat connection.

Is there anyone on this forum working on this project by any chance?


Hello very good afternoon. I know Ycarus’ project and it’s great.
It would be great if GL-iNet would implement and collaborate with the OpenMPTCProuter project.
It would be amazing a GL-iNet device with 4 4G/5G modems and battery,
I also tested it on a Raspi to send video and audio in real time

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I send this to engineers to check.


Thank you :call_me_hand:

Very cool! Any luck in reviewing the project?

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I understand that new features are exciting. But near year end, this is not likely to update in the near future.

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+1 for this

being OpenMPTCProuter openwrt based it would be great seeing it implemented on GL.inet hardware.

that is really a killer feature for a VPN oriented roaming device like many GL.inet are focused to

Thank you

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another group of people that would be interested are in real life live streamers. Most currently use bonding service by LiveU or speedify because it is easy and it works. If glinet came up with a device for bonding different data connections that work well


Just use Sane by Bondix.

+1 for this
a Killer feature of portable router :slight_smile:
now using rpi4, it would be nice if it can be handle by AXT1800

Yes, if the AXT1800+ external 4G/5G dongle can do link consolidation and failover, it will be attractive to people who live in reality, but cloud router servers are difficult to deploy and manage.

This would be Awesome! Have heard of users installing OpenMPTCProuter on the x750, but the new x3000 will be superb at this! OpenMPTCProuter requers some grunt and the x3000 is well powerful enough for it. Thanks!

+1 for that! Using that kind of multi connection would be really game changer, especially for Spitz AX used in my RV.

Is there any new information? I would really like to use Multipath TCP in my tasks.