Openvpn config reverts on restart

Any way to modify the openvpn server config via ssh without having it overwrite everytime the openvpn server restarts ? client and server ovpn ? This is annoying

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What server config options do you want to change, it needs different command.

I only want to route the remote network traffic and not all the traffic over the vpn so removing the default route and adding the remote network route

Sorry I didn’t fully understand. Can you give a screenshot, of what configuration has been changed?

I want to remove push “redirect-gateway def1” from server.ovpn and add push “def1 bypass-dhcp”

Config file /etc/openvpn/ovpn/server.ovpn is not used. Instead /tmp/ovpnserver/ovpnserver is the one that takes effect. For your specific setting, you can use command to substitute default push option:

sed -i 's/push "redirect-gateway def1"/push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"/' /lib/netifd/proto/

We’re developing to optimize this and add more options for OpenVPN server.