Openvpn on gl-inet750s p12?

Love this little router!

I’m trying to make it link to my pfsense router remotely through openvpn.

I created an openvpn account for it, the wizard makes a zip with an ovpn file but then the router says it can’t read the p12 cert file also in the zip.

Is there another way I should load the p12?

Thanks all!

Can you post the content of ovpn?

Can you create profile without p12?

Figured out which opvn file format it wants.

If i use my current ip, it works.

If use my no-ip url, it cant resolve.

What am i missing?

Thanks for the time and help!

Never mind, turned out to be a bad resolver.

I’m all set, great routef!

Thanks for the latest firmware!

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