Re-assign side switch for repeater toggle

Hi, I see several messages on here for requests to re-assign the side switch but can’t find exactly what I’m looking for - to toggle the repeater on/off. The closest I could find is in

I suggest you use the reset button to toggle repeater mode on/off.
Just modify /etc/rc.button/reset
to turn sta off
uci set wireless.sta.disabled=‘1’
uci commit

But that refers to the reset button, I want to re-assign the side switch. I also found instructions for toggling the unit’s wifi, but not the repeater wifi. What commands would I use to do that for the GL-MT300N-V2 or GL-AR300M-lite - I have both. Thanks.

Turn off repeater:

uci set glconfig.repeater.autoconnect='0'
uci commit glconfig

uci set wireless.sta.disabled=‘1’
uci commit

wifi restart

Turn on repeater:

uci set glconfig.repeater.autoconnect='1'
uci commit glconfig

uci set wireless.sta.disabled=‘0’
uci commit

wifi restart

Besides, you can re-assign the switch function via modify the script /etc/init.d/initswitch.


I tried using the ‘Turn on repeater’ commands above with the view to add it to the switch button and it doesn’t seem to be working on my new Beryl (MT1300).

Appears the following command is no longer working, along with “wifi restart” but I can fix that.

uci set wireless.sta.disabled=‘0’

Any help would be very welcome.

Kind regards,

Test output: