Run my AX1800 in reverse

I picked up an AXT-1800 so that I might be able to have an Ethernet LAN while traveling to a hotel that provides only WiFi. I just started fiddling with the configuration and did not see a way to change the status of the Etherent port vs. the WiFi port.

In my case, I'd like the WiFi port to the the WAN port (as I would connect this to the hotel WiFi and make the Ethernet port the LAN, so that I could have multiple devices on the Ethernet LAN and route to the Internet via WiFi.

Is that possible?

Setup the router as repeater. It will allow you to connect your router to hotels wifi and you can use lan ports on your router to connect your devices. You will also be able to use wifi on your router to connect your devices.

But then I am on the Hotel's network, and I'd rather be segmented. Doing the same today with a Raspberry Pi and some iptables masquerade rules. I will try it though... Thanks for the suggestion.

Segmented in what way?

different networks. If I'm a repeater, I'm still on the same WiFi network. When there is a router/firewall, I would be on a different layer 3 segment.

How else are you going to access internet if you don't use hotels network/wifi??

For more background, I am building a portable production studio for webcasts. It needs to be able to connect to a hotel wifi or some other sort of Internet connection provided by the facility. Very few venues have Ethernet available, so I don't want to rely on it. In a pinch, I can fall back to my portable Starlink receiver if I have access to the outside, roof, or patio that has full sky access. Or in a big pinch, I can use my phone if I drop the video quality.

The internal network has several devices that only use Ethernet, and should be kept segmented from the rest of the public network. In my current setup, I have a RaspberryPi as the router. It handles the routing and firewalling between the WiFi and my local LAN. The Pi also has my DHCP server so I can statically assign my network devices for communications between them.

My goal is to replace the Raspberry Pi with a commercial device, like the AX1800. I'm using an old Linksys device for that right now, but its really too big for the case. If I can get the travel router to work, it will be a huge win!

That's exactly what the Glinet routers are designed for and why they use openwrt. Now it's up to you to configure it for your own usage. If you don't want public network or hotels wifi network accessing your devices ( segmented ), you can do that.

That is what I am trying to figure out, but it doesn't appear to be easy. Are there any docs on just this kind of setup?

Here is a link to docs. Homepage - GL.iNet Router Docs 4

For more advanced settings, you'll have to use Luci and look on openwrt wiki website for guides. and openwrt forum.

Yes, it's basically how they work out of the box.

I was reading through the docs link provided, and in the Interface Guide under Internet connection, I see Ethernet, USB, Repeater, but I am looking for a WiFi connection to the Internet.

Inside my router interface, it also does not appear to allow the WiFi to be the Internet connection. This is where I get lost. Any directions on how to set the WiFi as Internet connection?

As I stated several times, you set up the router as a repeater.

Ok, I tried that. Seems to have worked. Not what I expected for a name like "repeater." I assumed that was just going to bridge the LAN with WiFi. Going to fiddle with it for a bit, but it looks like this might be what I need. Thanks.

Your routers WiFi repeats a WiFi signal it's connected to and shares it with devices connected to it. That's how all wifi routers connect to other wifi routers and Access Points.

You are welcome! :+1:

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So far, it is working as expected. This is going to be a huge improvement for my portable Starlink Mini as well!!