[Script] Update AdGuard Home

Thanks, I’ll report back! :slight_smile:

Hi Admon,

I really admire your scripts. I don’t want to criticize them or your style. I just try to give a external view point.
I have to admit I even don’t know the differences in the embedded versions. But from my little knowledge about scripting, I know most function is portable.

$ echo “$(curl -shttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/Admonstrator/glinet.forum/main/scripts/update-adguardhome/update-adguardhome.sh” | grep -o 'SCRIPT_VERSION=”[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}“’ | cut -d '”’ -f 2 || echo “Failed to retrieve script version”)"
$ curl -o update-adguardhome.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Admonstrator/glinet.forum/main/scripts/update-adguardhome/update-adguardhome.sh && sh update-adguardhome.sh

$ echo “$(wget --output-document - -qhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/Admonstrator/glinet.forum/main/scripts/update-adguardhome/update-adguardhome.sh” | grep -o 'SCRIPT_VERSION=”[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}“’ | cut -d '”’ -f 2 || echo “Failed to retrieve script version”)"
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Admonstrator/glinet.forum/main/scripts/update-adguardhome/update-adguardhome.sh && sh update-adguardhome.sh

And I know many programmer and scripter are exchange them unintentionally. So I want to mention it (with details for future reference). If you are using it or not, its up to you.

All fine, I might consider it next time I rework this script.

I just remember that there was an issue with curl somehow, not sure why. But I will look into it when I do a rework. :+1:t2:


When there is an update on the script, should I run it again on GL-iNet devices?
I noticed some updates on the last days/weeks, but I ran the script 1 month ago.

By the way, on the Readme (Feedback session), the link is going to Tailscale post on GL-iNet forum and not this post.

Yep, you should always use the newest version. Since a few versions, there is an auto-updater onboard.

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Great work, just updated ! Thank you.

This process should be running?

If you use AGH, this should be running because it’s … well … the AGH binary?

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I’m discovering my ax3000 a little,
and I don’t see any button to update adguard home
in the admin panel (http interface…)
sincerely by purchasing this material, I saw wrt
and I thought the GUI would be more complete…
like support for advanced uninstallation,
like update button,
see GUI for torrent…
in short I didn’t think I found myself in the Linux command line in ssh…
I had a dwrt router, and didn’t have to do this…

You won’t see a button because you need to do it via SSH.
If you are not familiar with SSH, you can either try to learn about it (which depends on your OS) or you can simply ignore updating AdGuard because it’s not really needed anyway.

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When there is an Adguard update available, I can just update it pressing a button at the bottom of the Adguard dashboard

But only after running the script :wink:

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Yep, this is what the user above is expecting to see… An user-friendly GUI interface.

More buttons to automate everything instead of command line.

Well, yes. But tbh: If you want to use advanced technology, you need to get into it.
If it’s too hard, there is still the way of staying with your ISPs router.

But that’s another topic.

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@admon I took your advice and talked about the Adguardhome issue in OpenWRT. Some developers cloned their script and made some changes.

If you want to check it out: History for scripts/update-adguardhome - nextgen-networks/glinet.forum · GitHub

Tzeh, tzeh, tzeh. Cloning a script without a license … And then people always say that the open-source community is so nice and friendly. :smiley:

But if it works, it’s cool!

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Hello Admon and good Sunday Morning to you.
Are there any advantages in performance or security for me to update AdGuard Home from version 107.26 to the latest version?
I am using AdGuard Home for the DNS Block Lists Filtering and the more private Upstream DNS Servers/port 443, in combination with my Proton VPN installed on my MT6000 Flint2 Router.
I am a home end user with only a couple of computers and phones and an Amazon FireCube.
Thank you very much.

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Security mostly, but not really. Since all your systems are internal only, I would assume that upgrading isn’t really necessary. There might be bug fixes as well - but nothing “big”.

So it’s totally up to you, I would say.

OK, thank you for your advice and input. Yes everything is internal for me. I think I will just wait and take the stance”if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. I will wait a while for more updates from you or maybe in the future GLiNet.
Thank you very much.

Can someone try to replicate this errors on Flint2 with ADGuard Home updated?

GL-inet didn’t find this problem and also ADGuard Home Team was unable to replicate it.

So, the only variable now is the Flint2 with the new versions of ADH.