I try to send a sms with the web console
All it’s fine to send and receive with « normal » number like +33612345678
But to recharche my sim card prepaid I need to send the code to the number « 952 »
It’s ok if I do this with my phone but when I try to send to the « 952 » I have an sms return :
the 952 can’t receive the message try later ….
the short number are maybe blocked with my gl-inet puli ?
The sms return seems to be an sms sent by the operator (french sfr) ?
But if I have a caracter like « éè » in the content of the sms I cant see it with web ui interface
I see that it’s ok in the file system in the storage folder sms
Hello, is there an option to change the encoding character of sms ?
A charset convertion ?
Maybe it’s just a web ui problem ? He can’t display the content when I have character like « é » in the sms ?
No, when there are characters with accent in the text, I can’t visualise all the text in the web interface.
If I delete those characters I can visualise the rest of the sms content.
If I convert le file in storage folder of the router with iconv there are no problem to visualise it:
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 smsfile
A similar problem with short SMS is observed on GL.iNet GL-X750. It is impossible to send any SMS to 4-digit numbers. Version 4.0 Firmware Type 0318release5.