Slate Plus as a file sharing and a media drive for a TV

Hi, I am currently looking at buying the Slate Plus. I know that I can plug in a hard drive and use it for file sharing. My question is can I use it to share my movies to my Samsung TV? I normally use plex but that means I have to have my Mac on. I also have also just ordered a Chromecast dongle if it will help.

The Slate Plus and most other GL.iNet support DLNA media sharing. Your Samsung TV should have a DLNA media player.

The Slate Plus DLNA is basic and does not have customization of how the media will be displayed, nor will it do video transcoding.

It is better to use a SSD or flash drive that takes less power, instead of a spinning hard drive. I would personally not use it as a media server for 100’s GB of media.

I do not work for and I do not have formal association with GL.iNet.

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