Small glitches Slate Plus (4.0.0 beta3) and iOS GLInet App (1.3.1)

(Will edit as I find more stuff)

Just took it out of the box, barely did any configuration other than changing the LAN network parameters (netmask and base address) and upgrading to 4.0.0 beta3.

  1. The App thinks the router is binded to Good Cloud and shows an icon to “unbind” it:

  1. The App does not see custom wireguard profiles (I have two)

There are some known API issues with the 4.0.0 Beta3 firmware for Slate Plus that cause it to render improperly on the App.
Please upgrade to version 4.0.0 Release1.

Are you configuring the wireguard on the web?
The App don‘t support the use of VPN profiles stored on the firmware, this feature is scheduled to be added in new version that release in October.

Oooos, I missed that release. Will try again.

Regarding the VPN profiles. It’d be great if this is explained somewhere as it is very confusing. Is the app sharing the profiles between devices also? Or what is the model here?

Yes, it is very confusing. So we already start to fixing it.
App will save VPN profiles in your phone if you set they in App. They can used in your all device.