Spitz AX (GL-X3000) Verizon

I just purchased a Spitz AX (GL-X3000) however I’ve read that there may be some compatibility issues with a Verizon service. Is there a way around this?

I used to have issues with connecting to Verizon, but it has mostly been resolved with the firmware 4.0-0404release1. My Splitz AX connects to Verizon fine on 5G NSA now.

Thank you I’ll make sure to update the firmware before I install the sim.

The model is not certified for Verizon and not advertised to work with Verizon.

Pls use T-Mobile or AT&T in the US.

What T-Mobile plan was used to test the GL-X3000NR? I purchased a sim card for T-Mobile’s Home Internet Lite 200 GB plan and could not get this to work. I kept receiving the following message: “The Sim card is not registered”. The SIM card was registered to a brand new line on my plan.

If I’m not mistaken, GL-iNet has certified that there products work with T-Mobile’s standard cellular plans, NOT T-Mobile Home Internet sims. There is a difference. That said, as other’s have mentioned they have found work-arounds to get the TMHI sims to work. That is research that you need to do and not GL-iNet’s responsibility.

I have found that T-Mobile’s prepaid mobile internet plans work great and are pretty much plug and play.


They are certified and approved now according to Verizon.

It isn’t just the router firmware that may need an update to work on Verizon, The modem may need an update as well.
This fixed my Verizon issues: