Stock OpenWrt on MV1000W

Hello all,

just bought a Brume MV1000W and wanted to flash stock OpenWrt 21.02-rc1 (the filename is openwrt-21.02.0-rc1-mvebu-cortexa53-glinet_gl-mv1000-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz) or the snapshot version on it, but when I try to run sysupgrade i get (same error with both firmware images):

root@GL-MV1000:~# sysupgrade -v -n openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-glinet_gl-mv1000-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz
Image not in /tmp, copying...
Device gl-mv1000 not supported by this image
Supported devices: glinet,gl-mv1000
Image check 'fwtool_check_image' failed.
root@GL-MV1000:~# sysupgrade -F -v -n openwrt-mvebu-cortexa53-glinet_gl-mv1000-squashfs-sdcard.img.gz
Image not in /tmp, copying...
Device gl-mv1000 not supported by this image
Supported devices: glinet,gl-mv1000
Image check 'fwtool_check_image' failed but --force given - will update anyway!
Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.
        "error": {
                "message": "Firmware image is invalid"
Command failed: Operation not supported

Why? Am I using the wrong image? Is the official GL-iNet version the only supported version? I’d like to run stock OpenWrt. I hope I don’t have to return it, as I really like the little router.


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Got it. I gunzipped the image file and used the uboot web method to install stock OpenWrt.
It does not see the WiFi interfaces but so far it seems to work.

Hello, is there instructions on how I can install stock OpenWRT on the MV1000?

Brume W have bad WiFi chip and OpenWrt not supported this chip rtl8192eu

Info in Gl-iNet doc’s, use uboot method link to manual here and squashfs-sdcard file, link to file 21.02.0-rc3 here