Unable to Connect via WireGuard

Disconnected it and connected it as repeater.

Great. Can you ssh into the Slate AX & post the associated IPs it has? I’m looking to check for IP conflicts w/ the Opal, just to be sure.

ip a | grep 192

root@GL-AXT1800:~# ip a | grep 192
inet brd scope global br-guest
inet brd scope global br-lan
inet brd scope global wlan-sta0

  • GL DDNS: hj82918.glddns.com (obfuscated)
  • Opal (GL-SFT1200): LAN IP, Role: WG Server
  • Slate AX (GL-ATX1800): WAN IP, LAN IP, Role: WG Client, Mode: Repeater

Good stuff. wlan-sta0 is exactly what I’m looking for. Can you run a new nmap probe on your ddns, please? I’m expecting it to report GL-SFT1200.attlocal.net.

root@GL-AXT1800:~# nmap -sU -p 51820 hj82918.glddns.com
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-07-08 23:36 CDT
Nmap scan report for hj82918.glddns. com (
Host is up (0.052s latency).

51820/udp open|filtered unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.23 seconds

So there’s no rDNS record returned this time. Odd. Can you reboot the Opal? I’m looking to force it to update your GL DDNS record which it should do immed. after a fresh boot.

If it has the WG Server running on it, please deactivate it first… & if the Slate AX is trying to run WG Client, pls disable it too for the moment.

… Oh, I should mention that I’m not posting the actual ddns for your GL DDNS; it’s something I consider to be a bit of a privacy/security issue so I’ve muddled the numbers a bit.

But while I think of it, that GL DDNS hj[redacted] string/code is for the Opal, correct? They are device specific. (EDIT: You identified it was earlier.)

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Im a noob and have exactly the same issue but I’m failing to understand the solution. Can u plz help?

You need to give all the details of your setup.Give your config if necessary. So you’d better do it via email to support at glinet.biz