Using Gargoyle to monitor bandwidth usage


I want to be able to monitor the amount of bandwidth being used by devices connected to each of our routers (GL-MT300N-V2, GL-AR300M and GL-AR300M-Lite).

Could we use something like Gargoyle (


Only AR150 has Gargoyle firmware.

The good news is that from version 3.005, all our firmwares support bandwidth monitoring.


Thanks for replying, do you know when version 3.005 will be available?



We have tried to use Gargoyle to monitor bandwidth usage on the AR150 but it is only able to monitor usage from the WAN port. Is there a way of monitoring bandwidth usage just on a LAN being created by the router?

Many thanks


Get 3.005 firmware. It has bandwidth monitoring. But it takes a lot of load. Optomizing it.

Does work new router Flint 2?