It looks like the bug report that’s linked in the previous posts isn’t correct. I’m having to use IP addresses for my LAN side services. That works with with some services - but not all.
For what it’s worth - my Wireguard server is a Brume, and client is a Beryl. When I connect to WG server on Brume using my android phone’s WG client, name resolution works exactly as expected.
How to use more than one DNS? It works if I enter only, but with more Server (to be on the safe side for some countries, which will block specific ones) it does not work.
I.e.,,,,, is not working (wrong DNS6 Server, or similar error) allone works
THANK YOU! I bought one of these routers after seeing the reviews and hit this issue during my initial setup and testing. Your fixes worked flawlessly for me!
The IP addresses and are not valid DNS servers. You should not need to use manual DNS settings for normal router traffic, but if you want to, then try Cloudflare and/or
The WireGuard config file should also the VPN provider’s DNS IP address(es) for tunnel traffic.
Can you post the self-hosted Wireguard config file (with the keys redacted)? What is the IP address that it assigns to the client and does it assign a DNS to the client?
If I understand your network setup correctly, the Wireguard config may be assigning the client with IP address 10.13.37.x. The pi-hole has IP address and is on the LAN side of the router, so it is not reachable because the router VPN client goes through the WAN side. Tethering is on the WAN side and DNS is shown on your “Tethering” screenshot.
The android cellphone and laptop may be working because they are on the LAN side of the router, so the the pi-hole on the LAN side is reachable.
Wireguard is a vpn technology, that is used outside of your wifi to access your local lan via foreign wifi or mobile network…
But due to its flawless roaming functionality it doesn’t matter, if you still use it, when you are back home in your own wifi, where you are in you local lan… its just more overhead and maybe slower…
The dns is defined in the client wireguard config with the option DNS … So the client wireguard daemon sets the dns setting… the server does not push the setting as you might know from openvpn…
The network witch wireguard uses internal is of course another subnet as the hom lan network…
The openvpn side of the software uses a /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf
Maybe Wireguard needs a similar script for changing the dns after proper connection to the server…
By the way I moved to another location and i am using wifi as wan connection now…
Problem still persists… I manually edit /etc/resolv.conf after proper wireguard connection, because the dns submitted via wifi connection from my wan provider can’t be reached afterwards…
After changing resolv.conf “opkg update” finds its servers again…
I just pulled the latest beta firmware to my Beryl and I can confirm it’s still not using my wireguard DNS.
I did just find though that if I go in to LuCI → Network → DHCP and DNS: all the settings look right and if I just hit save & apply it updates /etc/resolv.conf and work correctly. Sounds like something needs updated in the script for activating/connecting wireguard to complete the DNS change over assuming the field is populated…
UPDATE/CORRECTION - the router itself (SSH) would now use the proper DNS…however, connected clients do not.