Hi I have recently encountered an issue with x3000.
My set up is SIM1 and SIM2 both has sim card, SIM1 is my normal active 5G card, sim2 is never setup or activated.
I have ethernet set up as failover, but usually it is not connected.
I’m on beta firmware 4.7.1.
Yesterday my internet start to failing randomly, I didn’t do anything about it, and later in the evening the x3000 has completely lost internet.
I got into the admin panel and it shows SIM2 is active. However I don't have auto switch on.
I manually changed back to SIM1, however even though it shows connected 4G LTE, the router still have no internet.
I rebooted the device and it’s working normally now.
Just wondering why it:
- Switched to SIM2 when auto switch is off
- Switch back to SIM1 still no internet
Another issue I have is ethernet interrupts internet sometimes. If my ethernet set up as failover for cellular, and ethernet internet is unstable while cellular is stable, my internet will still be interrupted. This defeat the purpose of failover if secondary device interrupts primary. Just wondering if anyone has any insight in this as well.