X750V2C4 modem firmware needed

I have been troubleshooting what happened to my router for days.
I attempted to upgrade the modem firmware using the guide on glinet documents.
I flashed it with the EP06-A firmware and now my router doesn't get any cellular sim connection.

I read quectel forums as well and saw someone with a similar problem was able to flash a firmware EC25AFFAR07A14M4G_01.003.01.003 to resolve issues.

Is there anyway I can get help with the correct modem firmware to flash to my x750v2C4?

SSH to the router and check what the module firmware version is?

gl_modem AT AT+QGMR

Is there any error in your manual upgrade?

Your E750 module model is EP06-A and cannot be flashed with the EC25 firmware.

I ran the AT command. My version is EC25AFFAR07A08M4G_01.001.01.001

Should I use the firmware you provided along with instructions from the glinet document to update my spitz x750v2c4?

If it is an EP modem, the EC firmware may not be available.

Please check the modem model of your router first.
You can confirm the module hardware on your purchase order.

If the model is EC25-AF, you can use this firmware package update.
EP25-AF: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
EP06: please get the firmware from GL DOCS.

I ordered it from Amazon and I live in the US so I am pretty sure I have the EC version.

Would I install both the EP25-AF package and EP06 firmwares you provided?

I believe the directions in the glinet docs only instructs to download and unzip the EP06

The URL I provided, the EC25 firmware version, is the same as yours now, it does not require to upgrade or install.

Please execute this command to reset the modem settings:
gl_modem AT AT+QPRTPARA=3

Is that SIM working on the phone?