4.3.7 for GL-S1300 Convexa-S

Noticed that almost all devices from 1300 series I do have (4x MT1300 and 1xB1300) already have firmware 4.3.7 listed as stable from download sirte. Are there plans for S1300 (one device only: unfortunatelly: used as main concentrator…)?
For a moment there were beta version for this model, but (at least for now) is gone from download site.

Have tried it (betwa version on S1300) but seems internal switch or external WAN were limited to 500MB/s only. Got back again to 3.X version

The download site was having problems. Now you can check again.

S1300 has a 4.x beta.

Thanks. When there will be stable 4.3.7 for S1300?

It looks like 4.3.7 beta 4 available on site as beta is not loading. Have tried in recovery mode, through UI (from 3.216, 3.215 and 3.105). Through UI tar file used in local upgrade keeps spinning forever and eventually stuck… Maybe some build issue?

Did you try to flash using uboot as well (maybe that’s what you call “recovery mode”)?

Yes: uboot = recovery mode.
A bit progress, but still failed: used LUCI → loaded img file + erase all settings → update fail → but then in GL UI can use img file (without first step was stating that file is corrupted) → FW progressing, but after reboot still old FW (3.216)

But after last attemp → in recobvery mode (uboot) can use IMG… that is really odd…

I just tried using 3.216 and I can upgrade.

Thanks. Seems there were some download issues. Had 4.3.7.b4 but build number were different. On another side. Now issue is with good cloud. Service is not starting at all. Is this this particular version/build issue?

root@GL-S1300:/etc/config# gl-cloud
: not found-cloud: line 1: uaS⚌
/usr/bin/gl-cloud: line 2: : not found
/usr/bin/gl-cloud: line 3: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting “)”)

You can’t execute gl-cloud like this.

Try /etc/init.d/gl-cloud status and /etc/init.d/gl-cloud start instead.

Cheers - it is running. But although manually added it to https://eu.goodcloud.xyz/ it is not discovering…

What does logread | grep gl-cloud tell you?
Please obfuscate the URL before posting here.

root@GL-S1300:~# logread | grep gl-clou
Tue Dec 12 11:32:31 2023 daemon.info procd: Instance gl-cloud::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash
Tue Dec 12 11:36:10 2023 daemon.info procd: Instance gl-cloud::instance1 s in a crash loop 7 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash
Tue Dec 12 11:36:49 2023 daemon.info procd: Instance gl-cloud::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash

Hm. He’s dead Jim.

Sorry, can’t help here - some staff should take a look into this issue.

Upgraded to snapshot release:

At least this time this error is visible in UI


s1300 gl-cloud issue is fixed in this release.

To boost the NAT performance, you can turn on Software flow offloading
in Luci - firewall.


Can’t load this version from UI (currently on 3.216) not the one via uboot (uboot img loaded, clicked upload, then device is restarting to 3.216)

Please try the .img file, both for uboot or UI.