A question for engineering on the USB150 and the mudial package

What is the function of the mudial package, and why is it needed on a USB150?

Reason for the question. I decided to upgrade a backup USB150 to firmware 3.218 as it is reported to have security fixes. I noticed that after upgrading the USB150 to 3.218 it is now running mwan3, whereas in the past versions of the USB150 firmware the mwan3 has never been installed. As I don’t like my routers needlessly chattering to other systems, and leaving breadcrumbs back to my location, I have always removed mwan3 packages from all my GL iNet routers.

Removing the mwan3 package on the USB150 is being blocked as it is required by mudial, which also did not exist in the past. A search of OpenWrt did not find this package, so I assume it is something created by GL iNet.

Is it safe to remove both the mudial and mwan3 packages on a USB150?


The Multi-WAN of the GL GUI(if have) feature is required the mwan3, please stay it.

It is also OpenWRT package: [OpenWrt Wiki] mwan3 (Multi WAN load balancing/failover).

Hi Bruce,

Thank you for the reply, but on a USB150 can you explain to me how it is even possible to run more than one WAN? If the device cannot do multi-WAN, then why is it running mwan3?

Can you PLEASE answer the question on what is the function of mudial?

@alzhao in this posts said the solution was to remove mwan3. See:

The mudial is multi-dialup feature.

Please try to remove together at the same time with command in the SSH.

Thank you. Its nice to know that mudial is not needed on the USB150.

For now I have just renamed the mudial and mwan3 start scripts, so neither is running, and my USB150 is running just fine. It is no longer pinging other systems.

One of the things I loved about the USB150, is GL iNet did not put all the extra crap found on other router models of on this device, as it is a very simple, but powerful router. This left more Flash for me to use. As this is probably the last version of GL iNet firmware for the USB150, the next firmware update will have to be generic OpenWrt, and I can just leave off mwan3.

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