Add more 'Device Types' for the menu 'Client'

Is it possible to add more 'Device Types" - specifically 'Car/Auto/Automobile' (?) to the drop-down menu for said or allow the ability to customize the menu to add custom devices?


May I know will your Wi-Fi be connected by some cars/vehicles?
And won't these car move/leave? Or your router Wi-Fi follow the cars/vehicles?
Where is the router deployment?

Guess the reason could be that your car (f. e. a Tesla) is connected to your Wi-Fi during charging and getting updates.

My MT6000 Wi-Fi signal is so good that nearly the whole street in front of my flat is covered. :smile:


I would support the Idea.

Under 'Clients - Action - Modify' we no have:

  • Desktop
  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Camera
  • Wearable device
  • Laptop
  • Printer
  • Sound
  • Television
  • Smart Appliances
  • Games
  • Gateway

My Suggestion:

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Printer
  • IP Camera
  • Wearable device
  • Sound Hi-Fi
  • Television TV/Projector
  • Smart Appliances IoT
  • Games Console/Gaming
  • Gateway
  • Switch
  • Vehicle (Car/Bike/Scooter)
  • Virtual Machine
  • ...

I also like to use 'Infrastructure' for most unusual devices. But I think all is covered in IoT/Switch/VM.

Just a suggestion.


Thanks guys advice! We will submit to the product team.

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I don't understand what bearing this would have on a request to add "Device Types"?

On top of his post, behind the name 'Bruce' is the tag 'GL.iNet Staff'. Which means he belongs to the company GL.iNet.
And as Bruce is reading here and may the product team is not, he is able to forward our request to the internal processes.

Edit: Oh, I've overseen the first post ...
Yeah, on this one, it does not make sense to forward all request direct to the internal product team, that is busy on projects ... So Bruce tries to understand how a 'Car' on topic of a router makes sense as device class. -> Admin already explained this one, with the Tesla example.

(@Admon: please share your address, so I can drive by, when I need an update :wink:
Edit2: I have no car, but a RV, which has a lot of 'intelligent' stuff which needs OTA updates every now and then. I hope Admon got a Spitz AX with BLE enabled for Truma updates.)

And because I like the idea, but don't own a car, I first thought about what is the generalization, to cover most devices with least categories.


+1 for more icons.

Some more IoT icons would be nice. Bulb icon, alarm etc just more identifying when looking at the client list.

Since as though we are requesting I would also like a search / filter section to quickly find the icons (when / if you add more icons)

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Random question, but what exactly does setting a device "type" accomplish? Is it just for organization purposes? Does it influence how traffic is prioritized? Can we make rules that apply to certain types of devices and not to others?

It's just s symbol to get better overview. No rules, nothing.

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