AdGuard Home login details

I would like to use the iOS app AdGuard Home Remote in order to monitor traffic running through my GL.iNet router. I am however unable to set it up, as the app requires the username and password of the AdGuard Home setup, which one is supposed to set during setup.

Since Adguard Home comes preconfigured on the router, I have no idea what the username and password are supposed to be. Does anyone know where to find this information?

Because Adguard Home login is modified in the router so that login is not required, so you cannot use a general Adguard Home app to control it.

Is there a way around this limitation @alzhao?

If you check the AdguardHome GL login code:

It first checks the GL cookie, then regular cookie, then basicauth. So it should be possible to just set the login info via config like regular AdguardHome does?

Simply add the users section in the configuration yaml should do the works.

Configuration sample from adguard team

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Works like a charm, thanks for the tip.
Now I can use my iPhone app to manage AdGuard Home.

Wondering if one off you guys could take a second to expand on this a bit more?

Where exactly is the yaml configuration file located? I’ve got a Flint 2. Is that somewhere in LuCI?

The, what exactly from the users section has to be added?

New to all of this…


I’m trying to do the same thing you are, can you give me a bit more information on what it is you did to get it working?

I appreciate the help mate

Config.yaml located is
Please make a copy this file for backup. When modify this file please full restart adguard home in your router (toggle Adguard Home off/on in your router page)

Possibly too late, but here are the specific steps:

  1. ssh to your GL device:
    Password: Your GL device password

  2. Save your ADGuard configuration file:
    cp /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml.backup

  3. What to edit:
    Configuration · AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome Wiki · GitHub

Relevant is the section “users:” in the “Configuration File” chapter
users: Web users info.
name: User name
password: BCrypt-encrypted password

You have to create a bcrypt password for AdGuard. The easiest way to do this is via, alternatively with MacOS or Windows using the bcrypt tool (this usually has to be installed first).

  1. Edit the AdGuard configuration file
    vi /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml
    Add the entries for users, name and password

  2. Restart the router or AdGuard service

You must be able to use ssh and the vi editor.
You must follow the yaml file conventions.

Login on Mac with Sonoma 14.5 and Safari does not work, but with Firefox it works perfectly.
The iPhone app “AdGuard Home Remote” does not currently work, as the port and URL cannot be changed in the app. It worked in previous versions.